
20240612 - FO103 - Fortify Software Security Based Training

Ended Jun 12, 2024

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Full course description

FO103 - Fortify Software Security Based Training


2 Hours 

Course Description

In this session we will discuss how Fortify helps Information Systems Security Officers (ISSO) and other security professionals to address the day-to-day issues that keep them awake at night. We will focus on the capabilities of the Fortify platform designed to address such situations and use cases.

Throughout the hour, we will discuss topics including:

- compliance reporting

- risk measurement and management

- filtering

- appsec program monitoring

 - metrics

 - dashboards

 - alerts

- issue/vulnerability management

Virtual, Instructor Lead

Evaluation and Attendance Information

Attendance is mandatory for all of the class. There will NOT be an evaluation at the end of the course.

Target Audience

Any intelligence community member

Course Format Information

This session will be virtual with live instructors.  Participants should use their personal laptop to support knowledge checks, assessments and completing the evaluation process. Use a commercial connection when accessing the course and materials. This course is not accessible on NIPR. Please ensure you do not miss any emails by checking your spam folder for this email address: Instructure Canvas <>


AFCSU Student Agreement

This Agreement for courses and education materials applies to: Enrollment and attendance in courses offered by AFCSU. Use course materials (PDFs, Slides, videos, or materials distributed by the AFCSU). The provision and use of educational materials as part of a course The provision of other education or training services by AFCSU. You accept this Agreement for the course and education materials by attending a course in person or accessing a course online.

Full AFCSU Student Agreement