
zzz 20240909 - SP103 Introduction to Xacta 360 v2.0 in the AFIC (Remote: Instructor Led)

Ended Sep 12, 2024

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Full course description

SP103 Introduction to Xacta®360 

Remote: Instructor Led Course



24 Course Hours 

Course Description

This is a 4 day instructor led course taught during Central Time in the USA (Texas). Students will learn the functionality and navigation inside of Xacta® 360. This course is designed for those with little to no experience using the AFIC RMF tool called Xacta® 360.  The Introduction to Xacta® 360 course is designed to teach basic navigation and  data input techniques. 

Personnel with prior day-to-day experience using Xacta® 360 in the AFIC or those that have previously taken an Xacta® 360 course are NOT recommended for this course.

This introductory course is NOT designed to teach exactly what data to put in for specific system types.  Data of that nature is subjective and experienced users should consult their MAJCOM Command CISO or DAO for assistance with specific data related to specific mission systems.

Virtual, Instructor Lead

Evaluation and Attendance Information

Attendance is mandatory for all four days of class. Hands-on exercises are used to evaluate course completion. Students must pass all exercises with an 80% or better to successfully complete the course.

Target Audience

Any intelligence community member

Course Format Information

This session will be virtual with a live instructor/s over 4 days.  Participants should use their personal laptop to support knowledge checks, projects and completing the evaluation process. Use a commercial connection when accessing the course and materials. This course is not accessible on NIPR. Please ensure you do not miss any emails by checking your spam folder for this email address: Instructure Canvas <>



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Full AFCSU Student Agreement